Dual Occupancy – Watson | Sunny Homes ACT

House Dimensions

  • House Width: 14.1m
  • House Length: 20.4m
  • Lower Living: 222.37sqm
  • Upper Living: 96.6sqm
  • Garage: 34.26sqm
  • Alfresco: 28.8sqm
  • Porch: 3.44sqm
  • Total Build: 385.47sqm (Customized as per requirement)
Room Dimensions
  • Lounge: 5.36X4m
  • Family & Dining: 8X4.96m
  • Laundry: 3.6X1.6m
  • Bedroom 1: 5.44X4.06m
  • Bedroom 2: 3.6X3.02m
  • Bedroom 3: 7.08X4m
  • Bedroom 4: 3.6X3m
  • Bedroom 5: 3.6X3m
  • En-Suite: 1.91X1.91m
  • Media: 5.29X3.1m
  • Garage: 6X5.71m

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Home construction Canberra

New home builders Canberra

Companies or individuals who build homes and other structures for domestic use are known as home builders. Typically, they collaborate with engineers and architects to design and plan the building's construction before overseeing it from beginning to end. This can involve securing licenses, placing orders for supplies, selecting subcontractors, and managing the work of construction personnel. The home builders may also handle the sale and marketing of the completed homes. Some home builders focus on certain types of homes, such as luxury, custom, or economical housing. Contact us for Affordable home builders Canberra
Original Source: https://sunnyhomes.com.au/product/dual-occupancy/
